–Solar Home System–
・AC and USB appliances enabled
・Best for 19” TV
・Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) available
・Dual charge available: Solar and Grid
・No more suffer from unstable grid power
・Japan quality
Welcome to our “EGAO” website!
Not only just lighting and TV, EGAO brings you a lot of chances and benefits, such as…

EGAO for Children
What does your child like? What is he/she interested in? What is his/her dream? And how do you support them?
Reading books and watching TV programs of their interests will surely broaden their views for the future. Education for children is an irreplaceable investment for your family’s future.

EGAO for Business
Assume you run a small shop in off-grid area, operate your shop much brighter with TV service for customers, and extend business hour until 9pm. How much do you expect to earn additionally?
A study shows that a household can earn USD 35 per month (in average) thanks to the SHS, mainly by more time at work or by initiating new income generating activity.

EGAO for Stable Power
Imagine you are watching a football game of your national team, which is 1 to 1 after 90 minutes; and facing the penalty shootout. You definitely shout if power supply was suddenly interrupted. This could happen when so many people are watching the game at the same time.

EGAO for Gift
Gift for Your Family
If you are a migrant worker and left your family in your home village, EGAO system with TV would be the best-suited gift for your family for some occasions such as birthdays, wedding, or other memorial celebration. Even if you cannot be with them, your family will strongly feel you.
Gift for Your Friends/Relatives
Suppose one of your close friends or relatives having a happy event, what present are you going to choose? EGAO would be a good solution for this question, together with several like-minded people. Please note that EGAO is good for not only off- but on-grid areas.
Gift for Yourself
Do you know that investing yourself can be for you and your family’s future? Why don’t you catch an occasion to invest yourself for education, business opportunities and just for fun such as watching football. And share your happiness with your family and your friends.

EGAO project contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) definitely from various perspectives.
In addition to “Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy” and “Goal 13: Climate Action”, it can provide the opportunities in “Goal 1: No Poverty”, “Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being”, “Goal 4: Quality Education”, “Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth”, “Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities”, and “Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and communities”. Why don’t you think about how EGAO contributes to each of these goals?

“PEAR” implies Partnership for Environmental Action with Responsibility.